Full Inquiry Pathway of ISP Tutor

Full inquiry cycle steps: Worked Example mode

  • Starting with the introductory lesson on what a "good" research question for experiment-based inquiry is (#1), students work through all lessons and modules shown in the flowchart above in the Worked Example mode.

  • The Worked Example mode is for novices (younger students and/or students with less prior inquiry experience). In this mode, students see and interact with a virtual "high school" student of their choice as they work through given lessons, explaining their actions throughout and asking students questions on important concepts. This mode includes voice-overs for reading support.

Full inquiry cycle steps: Guided Response mode

  • Starting with the introductory lesson on what a "good" research question for experiment-based inquiry is (#1), students work through all lessons and modules shown in the flowchart above in the Guided Response mode.

  • The Guided Response mode is for intermediate-level students (older students and/or students with more prior inquiry experience). In this mode, students engage in inquiry activities and receive feedback and guided support.